Traffic Management - Kiss and Drive
Each member of the school community has a role to play in keeping the roads around our school safe. Parents and caregivers are responsible for the road safety of the children in their care, prior to entering and immediately upon exiting the school grounds. All parents and carers are asked to ensure that they, and any other person collecting a child, is informed of and adheres to the parking and road safety guidelines. Always consider the rights and needs of the residents and our neighbours in the Santa Clara School area.
Please remember from 7.30am – 9.00am and 2.30pm – 4.00pm:
- The speed limit is 40kmh in school zones
- No car is to be parked in Kiss-and-Drive along Coolgardie Street during morning drop off and afternoon pick-up, parents must not exit their vehicle
- This also includes NO PARKING on the paved verge area
- There is no parking on the opposite verge of Pollock Street 8am-9am and 2:30pm-3:30pm on school days
- Limited parking bays are available for parents and caregivers on Coolgardie Street and Palmerston Street
- Additional parking is available south-east of Pollock Street. Please be mindful of our neighbours’ property and not restricting traffic flow
- Rangers frequently monitor parking and traffic around the school area
- Parents are encouraged to use the Kiss-and-Drive for drop-off each morning. Staff will be present on Coolgardie Street to assist students out of vehicles from 8:25am – 8:45am
- School gates open at 8:25am. Please ensure no student arrives before this time
- We ask that parents remain in their vehicle at ALL TIMES in our Kiss-and-Drive and allow the Santa Clara School staff assist your child from exiting the vehicle
- Where safe, drivers are asked to move along the designated area as vehicles exit
- Clearly indicate your intention to leave the Kiss-and-Drive by turning left and proceed onto Coolgardie Street with caution
- Do not drop children on the opposite verge of either Coolgardie or Palmerston Streets. This is particularly dangerous for both children and drivers
- Parents are more than welcome to walk their child onto the school grounds. Please ensure you park in the adjacent streets
- The Kiss-and-Drive will be utilised for student pick-up
- Left turn into the Kiss-and-Drive off Coolgardie Steet
- Staff members will be available on Coolgardie Street to assist students with bags and entering the vehicle
- Proceed in an orderly manner and stay in line. Avoid banking around the intersection of Coolgardie and Pollock Streets
- If your child is unable to put their own seatbelt on, please ensure you park in an adjacent street and collect your child from the school gate
- Parents are to remain in their vehicle at ALL TIMES
- Left turn out of the Kiss-and-Drive onto Coolgardie Street
- Staff members are available to assist should you wish to collect your child from the front pedestrian gates
- If parked in Pollock St, please be mindful of the limited parking available and leave the area quickly
- Children are asked to use the footpaths where available, and practice safe walking habits when crossing roads
- Children are required to wear a helmet if cycling to and from school
- Bikes are to be walked when entering school grounds, and to be secured immediately in the designated area near the Sports Shed